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Friday, November 12, 2010

The Zone Diet and The Liquid Diet

The Zone diet is a nutrition concept that recommends a supply of 40% of your calories from carbs, 30% from proteins and 30% from fats. This is a nutrition system that ensures a balance in insulin and hormonal levels. It also ensures permanent weight loss and potential prevention of diseases. Our liquid diets at Drink Your Meals are based on the Zone diet.

The Liquid diet basically refers to meals made from prime foods such as fresh veggies and whole nuts which are then blended to form a liquid meal rich in nutrients that one can take as an alternative to conventional meals or canned formulas. Liquid diets are easy to consume and come in handy to people with medical conditions that prevent them from chewing their food.

Our website is full of recipes based on the Zone diet which you can adopt. Be sure to check out the liquid diet section for a selection of tasty nutritious meals that will keep you healthy and strong.


  1. this is an interesting blog that you have here with lots of good information about 'drinking your food'... thanks

  2. Very informative site. I will be sharing it on my blog in the coming week.

    A nutritious diet is an important part of the puzzle, especially when combined with effective exercise.

    Keep up the good work Jesse

    Kaine Tessier
    HYBRID Strength
    "We Begin Now"

  3. Thanks for sharing the info on the relationship between zone diet and liquid diet. They look very effective if they're done together. Stay healthy and strong while dieting, check out Vitamins Canada to find effective and safe supplements.

  4. I definitely could benefit from liquid diet recipes, have been living with a Peg tune since 2004, can't eat or drink by mouth, so I need more nutrient than the cans of milk I use every day. The problem is I can't find any recipes on this site, can someone help me out? Please email me at Bryan_Haught@yahoo.com

  5. I lost 12 kg in a week with the blended food diet.
